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  3. Copying and Moving recordings in Panopto

Copying and Moving recordings in Panopto

Once a session or folder is created, it can be moved or copied to another location, allowing you to set up Special Access or Instructor Approved folders and locations for select people to access them. There are several ways to do this, all with the same result.

Optionally, you may wish to rename the folder with the course number so they can more easily be searched for while moving or copying.

To copy or move an individual session:

  1. Click on the Settings/gear that appears on mouse-over
  2. In pop up window, select Manage from the left-hand side menu
  3. Scroll down to Copy video
  4. In the Copy video drop down, search for or scroll through the options to find the desired destination folder
  5. Click Create full copy

The session should now be copied into the destination folder.

You can also copy/move single or multiple sessions from the folder level.

  1. Click the check box in the upper left corner of each session you desire to move/copy
  2. Click move or copy along the top list of options
  3. In the pop up window, select or search for the desired destination folder
  4. In the case of sessions for Accommodated students, you would select the appropriate semester course folder’s Special Access subfolder
  5. In the case of sessions for students who have received approval from the professor, you would select the appropriate semester course folder’s Instructor approved subfolder
  6. Click Copy or Move
  7. Close the pop up window

The sessions should now be moved/copied to the desired destination.

The same process can be done at the folder level

  1. Select the folder’s Gear icon (upper right)
  2. Select manage (left hand side)
  3. Scroll to Copy video to
  4. Select destination
  5. Click create copy
Updated on January 16, 2023
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