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  3. Zoom Recording for Students

Zoom Recording for Students

Currently, enrolled student may directly log in to https://nyu.zoom.us. with their Net ID, to create and use their Zoom accounts.

This includes the ability to schedule and host Zoom meetings.

In general, students are not approved for the ability to record Zoom meetings. Exceptions to this rule may be made on a case by case basis.

Some valid reasons for a student recording privilege exception include:

  • Students who are TAs and have unique coursework requirements. For example, being a TA for a language course is a strong use case.
  • Students who are collaborating and recording work as a substitute for teaching and experiential learning.

If you believe you meet the requirements for Zoom recording privileges, please submit a request through this form.

NOTE: Exceptions are not guaranteed and will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Source: https://www.nyu.edu/servicelink/KB0018091

Updated on March 18, 2022
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