If you need to record a class session for specific needs i.e. accommodations, holiday recording requests, specific student requests, and don’t want all students to have access to to the recording, follow the steps below to create a private subfolder accessible only to specific users.
Create a private subfolder
- Log into NYU Brightspace, and go to the course site for the class you want to make a private folder for.
- Click the Panopto Course Folder link found under More Tools on the top navigation bar.
- The Panopto course page will open to the folder associated with that course automatically.
- Click on the green Create button at the upper left of the page and select New Folder.
- In the dialog box that opens enter a name for the subfolder. This subfolder will only be seen by those students/individuals who are granted access to any recordings within it.
- Under the Options section, uncheck the box next to Inherit permissions from the parent folder. This makes the subfolder private and only accessible to the person creating the subfolder.
- Then click Create Folder.
Grant access to specific users
- In the next dialog window, verify that under the Who Has Access: section, Specific People is displayed. If it isn’t, click the dropdown box and select it.
- In the text box below Invite People:, enter the NYU NetID or name of the individual(s) needing access. Suggestions will be displayed as you type. Click on the result corresponding to the individual, or press enter. Continue typing any additional names also needing access. For all entries, whether typing in the user’s NYU NetID or full name, ensure the username next to the result is in the form unified\NetID.
- When finished, click the Send and save changes button. This will save these settings and send a notification email with link to those you’ve invited.
- If you don’t want to include an email notification, untick the Notify people via email box. Then click the Save changes button.
- Close the dialog box by clicking the X button in the top right corner.
- Schedule or upload videos as needed from within the newly created folder.