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Downloading a Panopto Recording

By default, podcast creation is turned on for your site, meaning Panopto creates an MP4 version of your video, which is what plays when using the embedded viewer or when you’re playing a video on mobile. This version of the video can be made available in the viewer for download. Creators and Administrators already have access to download the podcast version from the video Settings under Outputs even if no one is allowed to download from the viewer.

As the video Creator or Panopto Admin:

  1. Log into NYU LMS (Brightspace) and then open the course site of the recording you want to download.
  2. Under the the More Tools top navigation menu item, click Panopto Course Folder. This will open a new browser tab.
  3. Hover over the desired video to reveal the video options. Click Settings.
  4. In the left side menu bar select Outputs. A new dialog window will open.
  5. Click Download Podcast in the Video Podcast section to save an MP4 file to your local computer.
  6. You can also download an audio only version by clicking on Download Audio Podcast.
Download Panopt video animation
Downloading a video in your Panopto course folder

Optional: Change the Video Type

In the Video Podcast section, you will see a drop down menu, Type, which provides several video podcast output types . Changing the format of the video podcast also changes how the video displays on mobile and in the embedded viewer.

Primary Video Only
Formatting to this selection will only display the primary video source of your session. If this podcast mode is selected, the output will use the input resolution instead of the specified podcast resolution (as detailed in the next section in the “quality” information for the podcast).  Example: Primary Video Podcast
Secondary Video Only
Formatting to this selection will only display the secondary video source of your session. If there is not secondary video, only audio will be downloaded.  Example: Secondary Video Podcast
Picture in Picture
This format will always display the primary video feed in the bottom right corner of the podcast, displaying the screen capture feed as the main view of this session.  Example: Picture in Picture
Side by Side
Side by side plays a stream in the primary view of the podcast, with a separate feed in the top right of the view. Screen capture will take perspective over the primary video source as the main feed available. It is similar to the picture in picture view. Example: Side by Side Podcast
Tile All Streams
The preferred podcast type for viewing on iOS devices. Tile Streams does not show PowerPoint slides. However, the view will accept and display up to three other secondary sources at once. This podcast feature adapts to the current amount of streams available. For instance, one feed will take up the entire window. Two video sources will split the view in half, with one stream on each side. Adding a third source will yet again split the view so that all three are spread evenly, and likewise, a fourth stream will completely fill the window. Example: Tiles All Streams Podcast

Once you’ve selected your desired podcast video type and quality setting, select Apply. Then you can download the new format video by clicking the Download Podcast link.

Updated on June 24, 2021
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