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  3. Bulk import users from a file to the Classlist
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  3. Bulk import users from a file to the Classlist

Bulk import users from a file to the Classlist

As a school admin at the school or department level or as a course admin at the course site level, you can bulk import users to a course site in NYU Brightspace by uploading a .txt file or .csv file that contains user data.

To bulk import users to a course site:

  1. Navigate to your course site in NYU Brightspace.
  2. Click More Tools and select Classlist from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Add Participants and select Import users from a file on your computer from the drop-down menu. The Import Existing Users From File page appears.
  4. Download this Sample File that includes the NYU data format to enter user data. The format of the Sample File must be maintained.
  5. Enter username (NetID), Section Name, and Role of a user to the downloaded sample file.
    • For official single-section courses, the section name is the same as the course’s offering code. To find the course’s offering code in the NYU Brightspace, click More Tools > All Course Tools > Course Offering Information > Course Offering Code
    • Make sure to add the word Manual before the role when adding an instructor or a student role. The role is not case-sensitive.
    • Example of data entry for official single-section course:
      tst281SU21_ABC-XY_1234_S_001, Manual Instructor  
    • For manually created practice/project sites, the section name should be sec1. Example of data entry for practice/project site:
      tst282sec1, Manual Student
  6. Save the sample file on your computer.
  7. Back on the Import Existing Users From File page, click Choose File, navigate to the required file and select it then click Import. The Confirmation of Enrollment page appears. If there are any errors in the uploaded file, the list of errors is displayed with a description. Correct the errors and re-upload the file with user data.
  8. Click Done.

Source: https://www.nyu.edu/servicelink/KB0018955

Updated on July 6, 2022
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