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  3. Populating the To, CC, and BCC fields of an email using the Address Book

Populating the To, CC, and BCC fields of an email using the Address Book

Using the Class List tool to send emails will automaticallly place the recipients’ email addresses into the BCC field. To populate an email’s To, CC or BCC fields manually, follow these steps:

Note: The email message, attachments, and the number of recipients in the ToCC, and BCC fields count towards the email message size and cannot exceed 20MB.

  1. In the Compose New Message dialog, click Address Book.
  2. Select the check box for every user you want to send an email message to, then click ToCC, or BBC to add the selected users to the desired field.
  3. Click Add Recipients.
  4. Compose the message and click Send.
Adding individual email addresses to the To, CC, and BCC fields

Source: https://www.nyu.edu/servicelink/KB0018577

Updated on September 9, 2021
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