As we prepare for a Fall 2021 semester featuring a return to campus and in-person instruction, a new learning management system, NYU LMS (Brightspace) that is replacing NYU Classes, will be fully adopted across the University and Law School. As noted in previous communications and information sessions, the Learning Innovation and Design (LID) group will host a series of training workshops to prepare faculty and faculty assistants in this new platform. In parallel, the University will be sending out announcements and details for the Fall term along with links for self-paced training, guides, and live information sessions.
While we encourage you to enroll in the University provided online instructor training courses and familiarize yourself with NYU LMS documentation, the Law School’s internal workshops will focus on our unique program requirements, content, and instructional style in the context of this new platform. Our initial sessions will cover the migration of older NYU Classes course sites, content, and activation of Fall 2021 sites. It is highly recommended you attend these before preparing for the new semester. If you are unable to join, as in previous terms, all sessions will be recorded and posted to this support website.
Additionally, individual consultations will be provided later in the summer for those faculty teaching a hybrid course (students both in-person and remote). More details to be provided soon!
We invite you to save the dates for these series of trainings on teaching and learning in NYU LMS. Note, the Zoom link is the same for every session for your convenience.
Training Information
Every month will feature a new set of topics. Faculty and support staff are encouraged to attend at least one session per month. More details can be found under each month below.
Please email us at for Zoom link
Monthly Dates and Topics
Thursday, June 17 @ 10am
1. Migrating NYU Classes course sites
2. Understanding NYU LMS Reference Sites
3. Using the Create Course Site tool
4. NYU LMS introduction
— Where is Zoom and Panopto?
— Basic course site layout and tools
5. Copying content from your Reference Site
Thursday, Jul 22 @ 10am
1. Building your course site
2. Units, Lessons, and HTML Docs
3. Uploading Course Materials
4. Adding documents to a Unit/Lesson or HTML Doc
— Inline viewer
— HTML page link
— External link (Google Drive, Google Doc, etc.)
5. Commonly Used Tools
— Announcements
— Assignments
— Classlist
Tuesday, Aug 10 @ 2pm
Thursday, Aug 12 @ 10am *** Support Admins ONLY ***
Tuesday, Aug 24 @ 2pm
1. Assessments in NYU LMS
2. Quizzes
3. Assignments
4. Checklists
5. Class Progress
6. Grading
*Support Admin training will be focused on tasks and troubleshooting most commonly encountered in that role (TA, FA, Support Techs, Helpdesk).
Reminders will be sent occasionally along with any updates regarding the platform which may impact your experience. We don’t anticipate any major revisions, but the University is still working on some features and user interface elements so don’t be alarmed if you see any changes. These will all be explained!
Thank you for your continued support and understanding in what has been an extremely trying year (and more) both as a member of the Law School community and in your own. As always, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or concerns and look forward to making the Fall a success!
Questions? Contact us at
The LID Team
James Bryan Smith, Johan Starr, and Gabe Rosenstein